About me

I was born in the mid-eighties in the French-speaking part of Belgium, and got a Master in Computer Science with honours in 2007. I then worked for two years as a teaching assistant and researcher at the EECS department of the University of Liège before joining arηs Developments in 2009.

My main areas of expertise (and interest) are Java (both J2SE and J2EE, but I favour Web applications), HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Like everyone else, I also have a life besides work. I like books, comics, music, movies and video games. That's about what I have to say on a public website.


I no longer maintain a full CV on this website. It is instead available on LinkedIn.

This is also the preferred way of contacting me for professional matters, as I'm not willing to disclose my email address on a public website.

This is a list of my own publications, usually as a co-author. I no longer do R&D, so this is kept as an archive:


Demyo is my main side project.

It's a Web-based comic manager based on Java/Spring.

About this site

This site is written using pure HTML (valid HTML5) and CSS. It is primarly targeted at Gecko- and Webkit-based browsers but degrades nicely in Internet Explorer.

The background pattern comes from Subtle Patterns, the icon font is FontAwesome and the title font is Orbitron.